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A boy who always wanted to grow up and be a designer…

While it has been 28 years since No Names Designs first began, some things have remained. No Names Designs continues to embrace the American community through the same quality, same voice, and same level of earnest just in a different date. 

No Names Designs started in 1992 by an African American man who wanted more for his community. No Names Designs originally began as a home-based hobby but quickly branched out into its own company. No Names Designs opened as a small business in Atlanta, GA in 1995 with the slogan “a boy who always wanted to grow up and be a designer.” The company continued the overall message of American empowerment through innovative images, social engagement, and political commitment. No Names Designs have reached the arms of many throughout the years, from publication, fashion shows, festivals, vendors, and more. 

To be clear, No Names Designs is not considered militant or so “WOKE” that they miss the beauty of other individuals. While some images and statements may seemed geared towards the African American community; No Names Designs is for everyone…anyone who feels robbed of some aspect of their culture and are on the search for more answers.

The messages are never meant to be offensive but “they are a means of creative expression. The purpose is to acknowledge our history, draw attention to the present, and reinforce our consciousness” (quote from the owner in a 1996 journal article and the message is still pertinent). 

There is still work to be done, and so, in the year 2020 No Names Designs has decided it was time to return with an online shop. No Names Designs continues being a black owned small business and has partnered with an African American female to bring other perspectives…welcome as we continue to explore the American culture with the devoted passion for fashion!